Identity Stolen

August 19, 2020 12:25 am Published by 2 Comments

Let me introduce my friend Lise. She and I met at Montrose Christian Writer’s Conference as we were assigned to be roommates. We have stayed friends since. She is a Veterinarian, animal lover, God lover and interesting friend. I asked her to share her story with you of her struggle with having her identity stolen in hopes that we can all learn something. This black and white picture is her Facebook profile picture which she uses to guard her identity.


A little over ten years ago, at the urging of my then pastor’s wife, Shirley (who knew it was just what I needed), I attended the Montrose Christian Writer’s Conference, my first writer’s conference, ever.

I don’t know how other conferences work, but this one assigned you a roommate if you didn’t have one and didn’t (or, in my case, at that time, couldn’t) pay a bit more to request a single. I tend to be a loner, so having a roommate I didn’t know made me apprehensive, but, at the time, even though I sensed Shirley was probably right, it was a significant struggle for me to justify even the minimum expense to attend the conference.

Several years previously, at the end of a very long and difficult road of later life education to get the veterinary degree I’d dreamed about since childhood, I’d had massive financial and personal assault crimes committed against me…because of that education…and because of what had become this country’s most unconscionable corruption of all time.

It would eventually become clear to me it was an ongoing extension of America’s darkest hour from a Supreme Court decision made in January of 1973. But at the time I went to this conference, all I knew with certainty was the federal banking system, in complete violation of basic civil rights and common law of more than 100 years’ duration, working in criminal conspiracy with the credit reporting bureaus and spending-addicted accomplices they’d trained and enabled, had created and were openly sustaining and expanding the worst felony theft crime wave in U.S. history. The bulk of their victims were the working poor…in this, of all countries…

The banks were targeting both new, very small businesses, often ones with ten employees or less, and lower income individuals with good credit, who were usually the main, or only, breadwinners for a household. The banks were devastating them by illegally offering and allowing anyone in the business or household to open fraudulent credit cards in the name of the business owner or household breadwinner. The majority of these bad-credit accomplices to the banks were women who had little income, no credit, and no qualms about selfishly harming those close to them. This was just some of the ongoing fallout from that 1973 decision so many years ago.

This ever-growing crime wave has now expanded to include plenty of men perpetrators who saw an opportunity to steal with impunity by copying what was seen as “women’s crime” and thus, unimportant, or worse, something the women who did it, had a “right” to do. This crime has now reached the point of destroying tens of thousands of lives daily, with no end in sight. Issuing fraudulent credit cards in violation of the Patriot Act and other criminal statutes to whomever can come up with the name of a person with good credit is just “business as usual” for our “debt pushing” federal banks. They rely on a large part of the population having an arrogant addiction to instant gratification requiring no effort on their part beyond “the click.” They count on those same people feeling “entitled” to have whatever they want, as if that is also a “right.” They also rely on no one else caring enough about this happening to try to do anything about it.

Coupled with our “healthcare,” which I bristled about knowing too well was increasingly:

-unequal, paid for out-of-pocket by only some- (usually very small business owners and the working poor paid for their own, and didn’t qualify for assistance on it because they worked)

-profit-driven, instead of patient need-derived

-politically exploited, instead of one person at-a-time, medically-focused

-ignoring the teaching of good health practices to prevent disease, in favor of selling endless treatments to lessen the symptoms of chronic disease, leading to massive addiction

-making doctors be salesmen instead of concerned thinkers who care about people

-focusing on “whore-care” for women only, instead of medical care for all people, including men and women with all-of-life priorities, who care about all children

Healthcare was turning into a service to greed and power, instead of Life. I saw clearly, there was nothing short of mass medical/financial terrorism and annihilation being perpetrated specifically against millions of both, American children, and the hardest-working, most law-abiding and debt-honoring American citizens who refused to lie, cheat, steal and manipulate in worship to greed and power. I’ve watched this abomination happening almost silently for over four decades, all of it designed and delivered by our own central government.

I was one of those harmed millions who was being medically and financially terrorized. The crowning insult, to me, was the federal government lying to itself and everyone else they were helping “people,” and “the economy,” with endless, unchecked crime against individuals.

I had been repeatedly informed the majority of unique, individual lives, no longer had value or worth, in 21st century America as far as the federal government of the United States was concerned (more echoes of 1973). I’d been told to my face, by much younger federal law enforcement personnel from the only agencies who could investigate and prosecute this “wealth-ist” massacre, they had decided it took too much effort, and cost them too much time and money to properly investigate and prove financial crimes committed against less-than-very-wealthy people. So, they “were not interested” in any of us. It was obvious with all of these people, they were unconcerned being “interested” in us, was their job.

Our life’s work, often along with our names, being taken and used by someone else, and our endless, ongoing harm from that, didn’t matter. Honest, hard-working people being stripped of their very identity, along with the fruits of their labor and due credit for their intellectual property, efforts and accomplishment, was not a concern of the current federal government of the United States of America. It was obvious they were annoyed I expected my rights and life to be respected, valued and defended. They kept pointing out, I was clearly just part of “the herd.” They thought I should automatically understand, we were all too $mall to matter…to them.

I had been repeatedly financially raped. There was no better, nor more accurate word for it. It had first happened to me right after I started my own equine practice, just as I’d barely started the demanding, specialized work God had blessed me with the ability and drive to do. So, the already sometimes enormous challenges of the solitary life and career I’d chosen, had been additionally filled with the darkness of constant fear, compliments of Capital One, Sovereign (Santander), the Department of Labor, and the U.S. Small Business Administration, along with a few offices of my Pennsylvania government. More of the federal loan shark criminals would join in my assault, as time went on. Once they had your information, they kept on abusing you, while the credit bureaus continued to offer you up to new criminals, because you did the right thing, and paid your bills, in spite of all of it.

The ultimate betrayal was, almost no one, from the top of law enforcement, to the average person who knew victims and heard the reports of it constantly, or had even been a victim, themselves, seemed to want to notice this individual life-destroying crime was happening, daily, hourly, every few minutes…(and now) every few seconds, to so many others around them.

I couldn’t understand that. That failure on the part of the American people was the part I struggled with the most. Knowing this massive financial crime was silently life-destroying for millions is what caused me to start studying what was happening from the perspective of how my country had been changed, damaged really, perhaps fatally, by that one Supreme Court decision all the way back in 1973. It seemed this society had become permanently flawed by the kind of thinking about other people, about individual human life, inspired ever since.

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This post was written by Grace Fabian


  • hmw3 says:

    Tragic story.
    In the immortal words of the mortal Ringo Starr, “Everything the government touches turns to crap.”
    And these are the same people who want to force you to be vaccinated against a virus that kills 5% of the 2% of the population tests positive after showing symptoms from it. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Dietlinde says:

    No one is forcing anyone to get vaccinated but even if they did it would be for the good of all- for example small pox. There is currently 1.12 million dead from the virus. Their surviving families are probably pro-vaccine. I’m sure there are things that will go wrong in the roll out but we are much more advanced than we were in 1958. “From 1958 to 1977, the World Health Organization conducted a global vaccination campaign that eradicated smallpox, making it the only human disease to be eradicated.”

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