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Interview with Hank Hanegraff, the Bible Answer Man

Moody Radio: Chris Fabry Live


Missionary on Fire

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Widows Christian Place

Written by Thomas O Davis after reading my book:


Watertown Times

Binghamton Press and Sun Bulletin


Multnomah University



Davis College

Lancaster Christian Writers Conference

Reviews for Grace’s Speaking

You have given Edmund an enduring tribute. You have given all of us your testimony of God’s amazing grace.

“Clearly God has kept her close in his warm embrace. What special gifts she has to tell her story in such a grace filled way. I was deeply moved by her story. What outrageous grace she lived.”
– Rev. John Sundquist

Many students and faculty shared with me after you spoke in chapel that you impacted them deeply. Thank you for the one-on-one time you took to pray with students, to challenge and encourage them in their journey with God. I praise God for you, your character, your commitment and obedience to the Lord, your longevity in missions, and your transparency which makes you such a dynamic role model for this next generation.
-Diane Campbell

Your devotion on Exodus 15 and sharing the Marah Creed riveted me! It was if you were talking directly to me that morning.

I am still in awe of His way of speaking to me through you tonight at Perspectives. Your testimony is so very powerful…I need to tell you, on the car ride home I just came before Him and repented of my selfishness and lack of faith in and dependency on Him. I don’t think we were given God’s word in our language so that we could sit on it and hog it for ourselves. I want to go.
-Danielle Dees

I was abused as a child and I never how to get rid of the anger I have felt towards him until today. I realize that my bitterness is only hurting myself.
– Anonymous

It was helpful because my son-in-law has left my daughter for his High School sweethearts, and I’m finding it very hard to forgive him when he has hurt my daughter and grand-children so deeply.
– Anonymous

“Lately I’ve been having doubts about going to Asia and the impact that I can actually have. However when I heard you say, “When God calls you to something, run as fast as you can in that direction and don’t look back.” I felt as though God was speaking these very words to me. He has the plans and I will put all of my faith in Him.”
–Valley Forge College Student.

Grace gave a missions challenge to the students and told more of her story that she had shared in chapel earlier in the day. The lobby was packed — I counted about 65 students present. After a good time of questions and answers, the students encircled Grace and laid their hands on her and prayed for her. Student after student led out in prayer both for Grace and for their own lives and need to commit to serve and follow Christ like Grace has modeled.
-Paul Johnson

The ordeal of murder, suffering from unjust and persecution while living in the village without Edmund, you openly shared the realistic truth to all the believers that we are to carry the cross as our Lord did. Living a life without the cross is not much of victory before entering the Narrow Gate to meet my Lord face to face.

Just a note to thank you for the contribution you made to the body of Christ yesterday on the Bible Answer Man broad cast. Truly only from the perspective of eternity will we fully know what God has done in the hearts and lives of people through your faithfulness. I, along with the audience, was deeply moved by your humble yet poignant testimony and insight.
– Hank Hanegraff

As a recent widow, your courage was deeply affecting and your witness was especially strong to me. Thank you for speaking so movingly to us.
– Alice Quintin

I enjoyed listening about your life and being a missionary. I know that God is calling me to go to Haiti and I am getting cold feet but I know that he won’t give up on getting me there. I want to thank you for the wonderful talk you gave.
-Joan Reed

Thank you for teaching us the Marah Creed at the women’s conference. I love the thought, If they couldn’t handle a lack of water, how could they handle the giants?”That thoughts will help me keep my eyes on God and His purpose in trials.

Reviews for “Outrageous Grace”

This is more than a dramatic account of the brutal murder of missionary Edmund Fabian in Papua New Guinea. Rather, it is the account of decades of challenging work to bring the Bible to the Nabak people of that island, providing a host of details that bring to life the joys and challenges of Bible translation amongst people whose language has never been reduced to writing. Yet, the story does turn, in many ways, on the murder of Edmund and the choices his widow, Grace, made in the ensuing months and years. Thus, it becomes an account of the outworking of the gospel itself: forgiveness, faithfulness, joy in the midst of suffering, and the sheer triumph of God’s outrageous grace.
-D.A. CARSON, Research Professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, award winning author of over fifty books

I was spellbound reading Grace Fabian’s story of her husband’s murder and the redemption God wrought through this tragedy. One thing impresses me above all else—Grace and her family are anything but shallow Christians given to sensationalism. Instead, they are obviously firmly rooted in the soil of Scripture and recognize that God is sovereign over all things, including the temptations of our adversary. In the cauldron of her suffering, Grace has come to know ever more fully that nothing can befall us without first passing through the filter of God’s love.
-HANK HANEGRAAFF, President of the Christian Research Institute and host of the Bible Answer Man Broadcast

Grace Fabian uses words and emotions like a vast array of vibrant colors and paints on the pages of her book the most vivid pictures of God at work in the midst of violent murder and unspeakable reconciliation. You will laugh, you will cry and you will praise God for His outrageous grace.
-RUSS HERSMAN, Senior Vice President, Wycliffe Bible translators

Try to put this book down, I couldn’t. My friend Grace Fabian has given us a ponderous, convicting, inspiring, energizing, deepening look into her life. She has been transparent about how God gave her daily light when in the darkest experiences, courage in the fearful times and a willing heart no matter what. Grace mentors us in what it looks like to be triumphant in the midst of ongoing heartache. Her willingness to walk toward, forgive and serve one whose actions resulted in great pain and loss has marked me forever. You won’t read a book quite like this again.
-GAIL MACDONALD, author of many books

Enthralled, awed, and teary-eyed throughout, I have just finished reading your manuscript and could not stop until I’d read it all. I have no words to describe how grateful I am to our gracious heavenly Father for you and your unfathomable sacrifice for His people. We receive more manuscripts than we can actually read. In my more than fifteen years of working with the Christian Research Institute, however, I’ve never read a manuscript that more bears the mark of Christ and is more worthy of promotion for the sake of His kingdom than your story.
-STEPHEN ROSS, Christian Research Institute

Grace and Edmund Fabian were Wycliffe Bible translators working among the Nabak people of Papua New Guinea. Then, as they were nearing the completion of the Nabak New Testament, an astonishing and crushing tragedy struck them. In this book, Grace tells the story of that tragedy, and how God’s astounding grace overcame the effects of that tragedy and transformed the lives of many people. Grace has written a remarkable and powerful book, filled with spiritual truths and deep insights. Hers is one of the most challenging and inspiring missionary stories I have ever read. I can whole-heartedly recommend this book.
-THOMAS HALE, missionary doctor and author of many books

I thank God that I had the honor of being one of the people who helped Grace check the final books of the New Testament. I rejoice with her over God’s mercy and provision in going the last mile to finish the work of Bible translation for the Nabak people. Her story is startling and honest and deserves a place with the great missionaries testimonies of our time.
-NEIL W. ANDERSON, author, international speaker, Bible translator, pastor.

I’ve known Grace and Edmund Fabian since their early years as missionaries in Papua New Guinea. But it was not until the shock of Edmund’s murder that I began to really know Grace through her letters. Her honest faith poured through the bare elegance of her words. Now captured in this book, Graces stories bring tears of compassion and joy, and a sense of wonder at the tenderness of God’s greater plan. This is a must read, a powerful story needing to be told.
-VIRELLE KIDDER, conference speaker and author

Grace Fabian’s tale of murder, persecution, forgiveness and victory is unforgettable. She describes God’s outrageous grace and well earns a name for herself, Amazing Grace.
-CAROL LEE ANDERSON, author, Speaker and former Bible translator

We are passing around your book and it has been a great encouragement to us. We are currently in a dangerous place in the middle of the drug wars of Northern Mexico and it was good to read of your perseverance under attack.

Clearly God has kept her close in his warm embrace. What special gifts she has to tell her story in such a grace filled way. I was deeply moved by her story. What outrageous grace she lived.
– Rev. John Sundquist

It was a real blessing to learn more about how God used you and the family in missions and how He brought forgiveness, grace & reconciliation between you and the clan whose member killed your husband.
–Sharon Falkenheimer, Director, Medical Education International

How can I ever thank you enough for writing your book ‘Outrageous Grace’? I sat down to read it at 7pm and didn’t stop until I finished it at 1am. Now it is making the rounds of my friends here.
–Helen Miller

I have read it from cover to cover (with tears) and just wished I was closer to give you a big hug. It was awesome.
– Keyser

Your book gave me a new vision of who God is and how He works. Thank you for writing this! I want my children to read this one day.
– Deborah Smith

I have been struggling with one area of forgiveness in my life, and reading your book has completely helped me! The Lord used this book to help me get a break- through in forgiving one person in my life! Thank you for writing this book, it has been a complete blessing to me!!! A beautiful book!
– Ruth Hubinette

Your book was such a blessing to read! There was so much analogy with their culture and God and His plan of salvation. Thanks so much for sharing your life with all the joys and sorrows.
-Rebecca Bishop

I got to know Edmund and Grace in Papua New Guinea but was living back in England when I heard the shocking news of his murder. Since that time I’ve heard her news through her newsletters, which I always enjoyed reading. Not all missionary newsletters are good reads: some are quite the opposite! But Grace’s letters were among the select few printed letters that I always read the moment I opened the envelope. Her book was the same; I read it the day it arrived. Few of us will suffer such traumatic loss as Grace, but even in the most humdrum of lives there is a need to forgive. If you want to learn about forgiveness then read this book.
-Margaret Decker

I enjoy the book you gave me very much and finished reading within a week. Lots of tears and laughter and prayers while I read it. The book really helped me to rebuild the daily conversation with the Lord.

I would like to thank you for writing the book “Outrageous Grace.” I was so blessed and edified as I read the book. Each chapter spoke to my heart as I was struggling with the idea of having another son leave home. I know the Lord has a call on their lives but my mother heart strings were having a hard time letting go. But as I read your book I knew the Lord would be there for me as He was there for you when you lost your husband, Edmund. So much of your book I hung unto, all the promises. It hit me that the giving of my sons for His cause was the most precious gift I could give Him. And I have given them to Him for the furtherance of His kingdom.

It was so very nice to get to know your husband and other family members through reading the pages. As with good books, I am sad when they end, because I feel like I am losing some friends.

I felt compelled to write this email to you after completing the reading of your book. God’s use of your life has inspired me to revisit many things in my own life and indeed I always come out of it with the feeling that somehow it is God’s purpose although I am just an ordinary simple person of no great talent or achievement – now that is changed – by your recounting your experience (which was so terrible) and how you have come through it so lifted and revitalized is indeed a thing of grace and God has set His hand solidly on my shoulders again.

If you want to read a amazing story, this is the one for you! Grace’s life is one of dedication to God, from such an early age. Her name aptly describes her nature and personality. The book will have you in tears at time and in laughter at others. A MUST READ!! I’ve waited for this book for years!

This book was amazing! Not only do you learn from her tragedy but you also learn a great deal about how Wycliffe Bible Translators do their job. I hope I can meet her someday.
-Nurse Kathie

I recommend this book for anyone! Even if you haven’t experienced tragedy, we all know someone who has. This book will change your perspective and open your eyes to real and genuine forgiveness. A MUST read!

Both my wife and I read this book and we both loved it. Only the power of the Holy Spirit can allow someone who has gone through such a tragedy the ability to forgive the person who murdered her husband. Very Moving.

You will cry and you will be challenged at what God can do through a person that puts their life on the altar for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Grace’s testimony will show how Christ leads us in triumph and diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
-Andy Uhrberg

I loved the book! Not only was the topic riveting, but the prose was wonderful.

Grace Fabian
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