Photo Gallery

Chapter 1-9

These pictures help tell the story of Edmund and Grace's growing up years before they went to Papua New Guinea. You can also see their wedding pictures, the pages Edmund was writing the translation on when he died, and the death certificate.

Chapter 10-16

The story of the Fabian's early years in Papua New Guinea are told through these pictures, including baby Jonathan.

Chapter 17-19

Zumbek and Kondo are key players in the story and here you see pictures of them as well as meet Dietlinde, Heidi and Kurt as young ones.

Chapter 20-34

These chapters are mostly about Grace's struggle with finding peace, so these pictures show Milingnange, and other events that happened around that time.

Chapter 35, 36 & 38

Here are the pictures of the first dedication, and Grace speaking to the Nabak people.

Chapter 37

Here you are introduced to Milingnange's extended family, his village, and see pictures of the amazing reconciliation ceremony.


Book Arrives

Heidi's Wedding 2013

September 7th, 2013

Turkey Trip 2015

80 Years of Grace

Isaiah's Wedding

Grace Fabian
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